Eunicida unique characters : Polychaeta with pharynx with ventral mandibles and dorsal maxillae, with peristomium forming a ring or rings.
Eunicida extended diagnosis: Eunicida have a distinct head, with well developed eyes and various head appendages obvious in families Dorvilleidae, Eunicidae and Onuphidae, but often lacking in Lumbrineridae, Oenonidae and some other minor Eunicida families. The ventrally-enlarged pharynx is eversible as a short proboscis with jaws. The Eunicida are notable for the complexity of the chitinous jaw structures which comprise several dorsal elements above ventral mandibles. Notopodia are usually reduced. Slender compound hooded chaetae are present.
Eunicida remarks: Excludes Amphinomida. The jaw structures are sufficiently distinctive that the polychaete body parts recognisable in fossil deposits are mostly attributable to Eunicida members.
Unique character summary modified after Rouse, G.W.; Pleijel, F. (2001). Polychaetes. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 354 p.
Last modified by G. Read, 21/07/2003 (dd/mm/yy)