If you have a translation others might find useful please make contact. It can be from the original into English, French, Russian, Spanish, whatever! Anything that deserves wider circulation is suitable.
Rosa, Daniele. 1908: Annelidi pt. 1. Tomopteridi. Raccolte planctoniche fatte dalla R. Nave "Liguria" nel viaggio di circonnavigazione del 1903-1905 sotto il commando di S.A.R. Luigi di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi. 1(5): 245-327. [Liguria Expedition report series as published in "Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di Studi Superiori Pratici e di Perfezionamento in Firenze; Sezione di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali"]
Begins: "Due to a set of favourable circumstances, this work, which originally had the very modest aim of describing the Tomopterids of the "Liguria", turned into a complete "Review of the Family Tomopteridae" giving the characters of all the twenty-four known species, sixteen of which (including six new species) are described de visu (the others are, for the most part, ancient unrecognizable species)."
The translation lacks the single plate, but has copies of two original tables. There appears to be no online source for the original paper. Translation from Italian to English by Canadian Multilingual Services Division. This scan provided courtesy of James Blake.
Uschakov, P. V. (1982). [ LARGE FILE, 51 Mb ]
Polychaetes of the suborder Aphroditiformia of the northern Arctic Ocean and the northwestern part of the Pacific. Families Aphroditidae and Polynoidae. FAUNA SSSR, Mnogoshchetinkovyye chervi [Fauna of the USSR, Polychaeta]. 2(1):1-272, illustr.The translation includes the original illustrations integrated with the text, so it's the complete package. The text contains new taxa, including these new genera: Tran Hermadionella, Nonparahalosydna, Paralentia. Translation from Russian to English by Canadian Multilingual Services Division at request of Judith Fournier, pdf scan provided by Canadian Museum of Nature (Ottawa), courtesy Jean-Marc Gagnon.
ABSTRACT: The morphological characters of the suborder Aphroditiformia of the order Phyllodocemorpha are discussed. Special attention is paid to the beginning of the first stages of heteronomy which is of great importance to the evolution of the Polychaeta. A new system of generic phylogenetic relations is presented for the family Polynoidae which is represented in the suborder by the largest number of genera and species. Two parallel lines of development from many-segmented to few-segmented worms are noted within this family. One hundred and twenty-five species and smaller taxonomic units of Aphroditidae and Polynoidae from areas of the Arctic Ocean and the northwestern part of the Pacific from the Bering Strait to the Gulf of Tonkin inclusively have been described. Many of the generic diagnoses have been added to. Keys to all the taxa are included, along with 17 text illustrations, 69 plates and 415 bibliographic citations.
Buzhinskaja, G. N. [1994] 1992. Orbiniella plumisetosa sp. n.-- First find of a polychaete of the subfamily Protoariciinae in the northwestern Pacific and characteristics of the genus Orbiniella (Polychaeta: Orbiniidae). p.76-81, figs. 1-3 in: Polychaeta and Their Ecological Significance. Explorations of the Fauna of the Seas 43 (51).
Thomas Dahlgren's page has three chrysopetalid contributions [links updated Oct 2006] ...
Podarke golikovi sp. n. description, Pages 156-157 in Averincev, V. G., 1990. The polychaetous fauna of the Laptev Sea. Issled. Fauny Morei, 37 : 147 - 186.
Milejkovskij, S. A. 1961. On the Morphology and Taxonomy of Polychaetes of the Family Chrysopetalidae E. Ehlers, 1864 (Genera Paleanotus L. Schmarda, 1861, Heteropale, H P Johnson, 1897, and Others). Zoologicheskii zhurnal 41 (5): 648-659.
Kisseleva, M.I. 1992. New genus and species of the family Chrysopetalidae (Polychaeta) from the Black Sea. Zoologicheskii zhurnal. 71:128-132
Lena Kupriyanova (email lena.kupriyanova at gmail.com) has translations of
three of her Serpulidae papers.
[Oct 2006. Links are dead - ask Lena for copies]
Filogranula rzhavski sp. n. (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) from the Russian far-eastern seas . E.K. Kupriyanova, 1993.. Zool. Zhurn. 72,1:142- 145.
Deep-water Serpulidae Annelida, Polychaeta from the Kurile-Kamtchatka trench 2. genera Bathyditrupa. Bathyvermilia and Protis. Zool. Zhurn. 1993.72 (3):21-28
Deep-water Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Kurile-Kamtchatka trench i. genus Hyalopomatus Zool. Zhurn. 1993, 72:145- 152
Firstly an English list of title citations of Jirkov papers, including the several online in translation as below ...
[See original texts for figures (exceptions as noted). Translations of the lists of literature cited are also not included.]
Jirkov and Mironov, 1985. Contribution to zoogeography of Arctic polychaetes. Transactions Shirshov Inst. ocean., Acad. Sci. USSR Press 120: 137-151.
Jirkov, 1986. Zatsepinia rittichae gen. & sp.n. (Polychaeta, Ampharetidae) from the Norwegian and Barents seas. Zoologicheskii zhurnal 65 (2) : 289-291 [Figure included]
Jirkov, 1986. Analysis of taxonomical features of the genus Samythella (Polychaeta, Ampharetidae). Zoologicheskii zhurnal 65 (3) : 325-332 [Figures included]
Sikorski, Jirkov, and Tsetlin, 1988. The genus Laonice (Polychaeta, Spionidae) within the Arctic Ocean: weighting the taxonomic characters and species composition. Zoologicheskii zhurnal 67 (6): 826-838.
Jirkov, 1989. Bottom fauna of the USSR. Polychaeta. Moscow State Univ. Press:1-141 [Part translation of some families only]
Jirkov and Yermolaev, 1989. Analysis of variation of taxonomic characters within the genus Nothria (Polychaeta, Onuphidae. Zoologicheskii zhurnal 68 (3): 5-13
Jirkov, 1994. Sosane holthei sp.n. (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) from North-Western Pacific with review of Sosane and similar genera. Zoologicheskii zhurnal 73 (4) : 33-38.
Jirkov, 1994. Two new species of Ampharete (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) from the North-Western Pacific with discussion of paleae as taxonomic character of Ampharetinae. Zoologicheskii zhurnal 73 (4) : 28-32
Jirkov and Paraketsova, 1996. Review of the genus Micronephthys (Polychaeta:Nephthyidae) from the White sea. Zoologicheskii zhurnal 75 (6) : 831-840
Örsted, 1843. "Grönlands Annulata Dorsibranchiata." Kongelige Videnskabernes Selskabs Ahbandlingar, Kjöbeborn. V 10: 155-211, pls. I-VIII.
Important paper containing inter alia the creation of Heteronereis and Polybostrichus as genera. These names live on as general terms for nereid and syllid reproductive forms. The translation itself also has an interesting history.
Bao-Ling Wu, 1964 [as PDF together with the original paper as image PDF] "Subspecific Differentiation and Ecological Characteristics of Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780) (Polychaeta, Capitellidae)". Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 6(3): 260-271.
Translated by Jian-Wen Qiu, Hong Kong Baptist University, from the Chinese version of the paper. Sergio Salazar supplied a pdf file of the original paper, which was kindly provided by Julia Dunaeva, librarian in the Zoological Institute of Saint Petersburg, Russia. The translation was prompted by the comments of Sergio Salazar, who INITIATED the subsequent discussion in JUNE 2006 and JULY 2006 of the taxonomic problems with Capitella capitata in the ANNELIDA list discussion group. For the importance of this paper see especially Sergio Salazar's July 6th comments.
Disclaimer: The translations which are online at this site are best used used in conjunction with the original texts. The translators have not validated the text of the web versions and we cannot guarantee the absence of error. Also we hope you will forgive any imperfections in readability when you extract the information, and will appreciate our good intentions in desiring to make these papers better known and more widely available. Thank you!
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